LICHT – Concept Environments- please click for larger images!

ENV- Scene1- Cave

Here is the cave from scene 1, inside which the first infected we are acquainted with finds refuge from her malicious shadow monster, and watches as those less fortunate perish. This is also where we first meet the protagonist we follow throughout the short film, and we first see him perform his mystical cure for the shadow disease. I’m going for a muted, pastel palette here and but strictly avoiding blacks and greys. This scene takes place just before dawn, so the lighting is minimal, but will lighten as the sun rises with orange and coral hues to contrast the violet.

ENV- Scene 4- statues

This is the setting for the scene where our protagonist finds out he’s caught the terrible shadow disease plaguing mankind. Because of the conflict and drama in this scene, I opted for a heavily contrasting palette with oranges against greyish purple. The statues represent old customs and religions that humans used to follow before the tragedy of the shadow disease struck and plagued humanity, that are now abandoned, left to weather on the deserted, sandy planes. There is a lot that could be done to enhance the contrast, and to make the colours different from the first scene- I think a colour script is in order to figure out exactly which colours are being used when and how they reflect the mood of the current scene.

ENV- Scene 5- Lighthouse

Here is the setting for the final scene of the short film, where our protagonist has finally had enough of hiding away from the light, and decides to fight his shadow. He is fully aware that he’ll undoubtedly perish at the hands of the shadow monster, but he’s decided that even death is a better fate than living with the disease. This is a fallen lighthouse, through the use of which (and some conveniently occurring lightning) the protagonist finds a way to cure himself of the disease.

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